Posts On Retirement

How to Build a Fortress of Gold and Silver

The road to retirement can be a long and arduous journey. There are many potential pitfalls along the way that can derail your efforts and set you back. The sooner you begin building your financial fortress, however, the more likely you will be able to not only meet your objectives, but perhaps exceed them. Here is one simple trick that has the potential to not only boost your retirement nest egg but also has the potential to protect the wealth you have worked so hard to... Continue Reading

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Gold and Your Financial Future

It’s no secret that diversification is critical to a long-term investment strategy. And no, we don’t mean buying a few different stocks and then pouring a ton of cash into your company stock. Effective diversification includes different asset classes. These asset classes may include stocks, bonds, real estate, precious metals, and more. Unfortunately, many investors suffer a false sense of security as they are not aware of many of the options available to them and mistakenly believe they are well-diversified. To illustrate this point, the... Continue Reading

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